> That said, I am curious.  I have no idea how/why/where/when you managed
>to get
> the impression from Joop's comments that there was any conspiracy or in fact
> any intended slur.  It may have been the only inference you were able to
> but it is probably the only inference I am unable to draw.

FWIW, the connection for me from beautiful Tiburon, California to Santiago,
Chile was clear and smooth on August 25.  The following day, however, I
spent more than three hours trying to connect and finally quit the
fruitless attempts.

I wrote privately to Ben Edelman in desperation, assuming that since
nothing had changed at my end from the day before, the problem must be in
ICANN land.  To his credit, Ben tried to offer assistance by suggesting
some alternatives, even while he surely had his hands flul managing the
connections onsite at the board meeting.

The problem was neither with the Berkman Center set-up nor with my
computer.  That evening, my ISP sent out the following message to its

        Today August 26 we have experienced some problems
        that are related to router problems at the main west coast
        INTERNET Relay hub known as MAE-WEST.
        System failures there (San Jose) caused us to experience some
        INTERNET access slow or no response.
        We have re-routed some of our INTERNET traffic temporarily
        to alleviate the problem.

In other words, the road paved by technical expertise and best intentions
can still encounter pitfalls.

Kudos to Berkman for giving us remote viewers the opportunity to witness
last week's activities in far off Santiago.

Ellen Rony                                          The Domain Name Handbook
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