* * * Conference Announcement * * *

          Computer Professionals for
         Social Responsibility (CPSR)



               September 24-25
            (Friday and Saturday)

            Alexandria, Virginia



The implementation of a global institution for Internet
administration continues to raise vexing policy
questions.  As the new Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) completes its first
year of existence, supporters and critics have differed
sharply in their assessments.  Disagreements have
emerged between individuals, firms, and countries --
and even between different branches of the U.S.
government. This has polarized debate and impeded
information exchange between parties.
   This conference seeks to move attention back to the
issues.  CPSR will provide a forum in which
stakeholders can engage in a civil discussion of
potentially contentious issues.  The value of this
event will be to allow parties to articulate their
positions in public, to engage in moderated debate with
other parties, and to educate a broad audience of
policymakers and stakeholders.  The conference program
will address three broad topics:

 1. ICANN and the Emerging Institutional Order
 2. Competition in the Domain Name System
 3. New Technologies Impacting Internet Administration


Friday Afternoon, Sept. 24 (begins at 1 PM)
Session:  Internet Registries: Competition or Sharing?
Session Chair: Milton Mueller, Assoc. Prof., Syracuse
University School of Information Studies
  Mike Vita, Federal Trade Commission
  Paul Garrin, Founder and CEO, Name.Space, Inc.
  Chris Ambler, Image Online Design, Inc.

Session: Technological Change and Institutional Design
Session Chair, Hans Klein, Asst. Prof., Georgia
  Institute of Technology School of Public Policy
Scott Bradner, Senior Technical Consultant, Harvard
  University; VP for Standards, Internet Society
Karl Auerbach, Co-chair, IETF Working Group on
  Procedures and Policies (POISED)
Peter Deutsch, President, Shophound Inc.
  RealNames Corporation
[Note: This session may take place on Saturday]

Friday Evening
Reception   5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Friday night
BOF meetings ("Birds of a Feather" topical groups)

Saturday Morning, Sept. 25

Session:  Introduction  to Issues
Session Chair:  Harry Hochheiser, CPSR
Jean Camp, Assistant Prof., Harvard University Kennedy
 School of Government
Hans Klein, Assistant Prof., Georgia Institute of
 Technology School of Public Policy
[Note: this session may open the conference on Friday]

Session:  Stakeholders Panel
Moderator:  Coralee Whitcomb, President, CPSR
Don Telage, Senior Vice President, Network Solutions, Inc.
Esther Dyson, Interim Chair, ICANN
Dale Hatfield, FCC (invited)
David Post, Associate Professor, Temple University
  School of Law
Jamie Love, Consumer Project on Technology
David Farber, Professor of Telecommunications,
  University of Pennsylvania (invited)
National Telecommunications and Information
   Administration (NTIA)
European Commission
U.S. Congress

Saturday Afternoon, Sept. 25

Session:  The Big Picture:  Internet and Global
Telecommunications Order
Session Chair: Rick Barry, CPSR
Esther Dyson, Interim Chair, ICANN
Tony Rutkowski, President, NGI Associates
Milton Mueller, Assoc. Prof., Syracuse University
  School of Information Studies
Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law

Conference Ends at 4 PM

For more information, please see:

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