At 07:17 PM 9/10/99 -0400, David Farber wrote:
>At 2:20 PM -0700 9/10/99, Greg Skinner wrote:
>>It strikes me that Farber is not so much defending ICANN (as it currently
>>exists) as he is defending *the process* by which there can be Internet
>>self-governance.  If ICANN (as it currently exists) falls, the process may
>>fall as well.  Then we might very well be subject to laws that are the
>>result of the laissez-faire regulatory policies governments like the US
>>seem to employ that favor big businesses.
>Many thanks, yes yes yes

Gimme a break. I've watched IAHC fail for not being this very thing,
I've watched IFWP try real hard to be just this then get scuttled
by the IANA Cabal who are now ICANN and who will fail for the
same reasons - it is not legitimate, open, transparent or
representative of more than a couple of hundred poeple.

The failure of ICANN is proof the process works.

          "So foul a sky clears not without a storm"   - Shakespeare

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