At 07:20 PM 9/10/99 -0700, Greg Skinner wrote:
>Richard Sexton wrote:
>> Gimme a break. I've watched IAHC fail for not being this very thing,
>> I've watched IFWP try real hard to be just this then get scuttled
>> by the IANA Cabal who are now ICANN and who will fail for the
>> same reasons - it is not legitimate, open, transparent or
>> representative of more than a couple of hundred poeple.
>> The failure of ICANN is proof the process works.
>Not necessarily.  It seems to me that the failure of ICANN is more due
>to the fact that they cannot act independently of established law.  For
>example, had they focused their attention on building good relations
>throughout the Internet community, setting up an election process, etc,
>I don't think they would be in trouble as they are now.

That and the senior technical community not being wholly convinced ICANN
is a good thing, that is.

          "So foul a sky clears not without a storm"   - Shakespeare

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