At 12:54 PM 9/16/99 , Nick Patience wrote:
>At 11:31 AM 9/16/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>Either NSI has drastically changed positions,
>>or Reuter's is once again employing bias in
>>their coverage of the ICANN process!
>>Here's a recent Reuter's story:
>>>The process has been delayed by wrangling over fees and database 
>>>access between the Commerce Department, Network Solutions Inc. and 
>>>the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 
>>>that is meant to oversee the new structure.
>The Reuters story is not the result of a pre-conceived bias or conspiracy
>Jay, it's just a quick re-write of the Dept of Commerce press release with
>a couple of sentences added. Probaby took five miniutes max to produce. If
>there's bias, it's coming from that. 

Hi Nick,

While you are probably correct, that
doesn't change the fact that Reuters
has *yet* to tell their readership the
whole story about ICANN.

And while major publications like the
NY Times and Business Week have picked
up the story, their combined circulation 
is a mere fraction of the potential 
circulation of a Reuters story.

In other words, most of the citizens of
the world are getting a distorted and one
sided view of the ICANN process.


Jay Fenello
President, Iperdome, Inc.    770-392-9480
What's your .per(sm)? 

"All truth passes through three stages.  First, it is 
ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, 
it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)

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