At 08:44 AM 10/3/99 -0700, you wrote:
>"Richard J. Sexton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'll save you the trouble. It can be summarized as "Icann has a few
>> warts on it, but it's the only option". 
>> You'll also hear a lot of "I'm tired of this and I don't really
>> care any more", "if we don't the ITU will take over" and
>> "...working within the system".
>Basically, you're saying what I said before.  People may not be happy
>with ICANN, but they don't want to change the status quo.

Noy yet, no. Wait till ICANN actually *does* something.

"Sometimes you have to have patience with things that annoy you."
                                      -Xena, "Xena: Warrior Princess"

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