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Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 17:17:54 -0400
From: James Love <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list RANDOM-BITS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Senator Judd Gregg on ICANN, in CJS Appropriations

I was told today that Senator Judd Gregg put the following language into
the CJS Appropriations conference report regarding ICANN.


The Committee directs the Government Accounting Office to review the
relationship between the Department of Commerce and the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and to issue a report
no later than June 2000.  The Committee requests that GAO review: 1) the
legal basis for the Department s selection of U.S. representatives to
ICANN s interim board and for the expenditure of funds for the costs of
U.S. representation and participation in ICANN s proceedings; 2) whether
the U.S. participation in ICANN proceedings is consistent with U.S. law,
including the Administrative Procedures Act; 3) a legal analysis of  the
Department of Commerce s opinion that OMB Circular A-25 provides ICANN,
as a  project partner  with the Department, authority to impose fees on
internet users for ICANN s operating costs; and, 4) whether the
Department has the legal authority to transfer control of the A root
server to ICANN.  In addition, the Committee seeks GAO s evaluation and
recommendations regarding placing responsibility for U.S. participation
in ICANN under the National Institute for Standards and Technology
rather than the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration, and requests that GAO review the adequacy of security
arrangements under existing Department cooperative agreements.

James Love / Director, Consumer Project on Technology
http://www.cptech.org / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036
voice 202.387.8030 / fax 202.234.5176

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