If all you crazy idno people could just get it together to raise your
membership numbers - i think that would be much better then the constant
bikering that goes on.
Divided your cup cakes - united your strong.
On Mon, 25 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, Joop Teernstra wrote:
> >
> > In case anyone wishes to read the complete IDNO list and SC archives and
> > form his own independent picture of what has happened there since Santiago,
> > the correct URL is http://list.idno.org/archives/
> And yet... there is no link from the Website itself.
> >
> > It is be an interesting research object for anyone interested in the
> > process of bootstrapping democratic order from chaos.
> >
> The sad part is that it is actually the other way around. Once Joop
> teernstra's fraudulent activity was exposed, it turned out to be a process
> of bootstrapping chaos from order and exacerbated by Joop.
> > This is the official and complete Archive, maintained by Joe Abley and not
> > in any way under my control.
> There is a very good reason for that. the Steering Committee made sure
> that the Archives were released as public, and not just for the members.
> Furthermore, as stated above, there is still no link to these archives on
> the IDNO.ORG website.
> There is a link at http://www.dnspolicy.com
> > The "archive" maintained by Mr Walsh on his own new website is incomplete
> > and not a reliable source for anyone interested in the truth.
> Again, another bold faced lie by Joop Teernstra. The archive maintained by
> Mr. Walsh is not only complete, but accurately searchable to make it easy.
> I have to ask that rhetorical question though, "Why is Joop Going to the
> trouble to defend himself if everybody else is lying?"
> > http://www.democracy.org.nz/idno/
> Notice this sgnature line doesn't say idno.org either (Anymore).