On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Michael Sondow wrote:

> J. Baptista wrote:
> >
> >   looks like good news on the
> > surface
> How do you figure that? Helping ICANN to make believe that the
> At-large membership actrually has some say in things, and that ICANN
> is being fair and democratic, when it's not? Haven't you read the
> new bylaws amendments?

I really do appreciate how intense you get over ICANN.  I wish more people
were like you.  I'm not.

ICANN is irrelevant.  The money is irrelevant.  It's the thought that
counts.  In my opinion - ICANN will probably spend it all on a wine cellar
for michael roberts, or something silly like that.

In the long run, the eggs not on our faces - it's on thiers.

> >      The nonprofit, philanthropic Markle Foundation tomorrow will commit
> > to funding a groundbreaking general election to let the online community select
> > half of the board
> Ms. Macavinta has got it wrong. The membership will elect no one.
> The Council will do the electing, just as with the DNSO, and those
> chosen for the board won't be the choice of the membership, just as
> they weren't in the DNSO.
> But in any case, since ICANN will be selecting the 5,000 it's all
> the same.

We can help them select the five thousand.  We have the power.  Now, do we
have the organization.  I personally don't want to follow anyone here, too
many mavericks thinking they actually know something.

I see the whole ICANN thing as a war.  Same as ICANN's lawyer types.  I
said it before and i'll say it again - you don't see the lawyers fight,
they have their priorities straight - money.  However grubby that may
sound, it provides the glue, and the discipline which binds them together
as a force.

We don't have that.  We have individuals with strong opinion, but little
power.  And the mechanisims of power, which can be easily combined as a
force between us - our much too busy serving our own purposes.

We have to go back to the words of Jeff Mason, "Love is the Answer, Trust
is the Key".

The internet was built on the basic priciples of trust.  Only humanity
brings in the rest of the shit - pardon my language - but that's life.

I really like you, and find your ability to fight adminrable.  I only hope
any frustration you may feel is minimal.  because I understand how a man
of priciples feels when he see a world of shit.

So - as it respect ICANN, we can either clean up the shit - together, or
watch it fly together.  I'm game either way, then end result will be the

Joe Baptista

Planet Communication & Computing Facility           212.894.3704 x1033
Public Access Internet Research Publisher           419.821.8581 fax
Centro Planetario de Communicaciones y Computacion  888.830.5744 x3223

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