J. Baptista wrote:

> So - as it respect ICANN, we can either clean up the shit - together, or
> watch it fly together.  I'm game either way, then end result will be the
> same.

Perhaps for you. Not for me. I can't and won't sign their registrant
contract, and they will take away my domain name. There are millions
just like me, all those who haven't the resources to allow
themselves to be liable for lawsuits, or who will have their names
taken away and given to big business hijackers, or those who haven't
the money to buy business liable insurance at the premium rate that
it will cost under the new registration contracts.

For all of us, it isn't just the same at all.

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.     http://www.iciiu.org
Tel. (718)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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