I am pleased to announce the BIND 1999 Survey has been published and
released as a historical document.  Limited public access will be provided
in the near future.  An announcement will be made here in ifwp, and the dp

The bind survey went well.  It was distributed last weekend prior to the
icann meeting (and during).  Over 80,000 emails were send to domain
operators world wide.  We had to stop at 80,000 because someone ?-)
attacked the entire Ontario cable/ISP grid causing massive DHCP and
connectivity problems.  This happened shortly after we had processed
5,000 requests for information - and had an additional 5,000 in queue.

Of the 80,000 emails send - 60,000 (approx) were returned undeliverable.
This is very scary.  The purpose of a correct SOA record is to provide DNS
administrators with the ability to reconnect and contact each other in the
event of a catatrosphy.  i.e. like thermonuclear war.  This is what makes
the internet versitile against attack.  However, that requires a level of
"perfect information" which no longer applies to SOA records.

In short the DNS is a mess and vulnerable to attack or serious disruption.

I have deposited the survey with a number of groups my board has
identified for distribution.  A copy of that email is appended, and I have
attached a statistical summary of the data

-- email distribution

Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 13:53:01 -0500 (EST)
From: Joe Baptista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BIND 1999 Survey enclosed
   1 Shown     42 lines  Text
   2          9.8 MB     Application, ""


Please find the file named bind-1999-publish.tar.gz attached to this
email.  This file is the BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Daemon) 1999 Survey
(c) 1997, 1998 & 1999 by Planet Communications & Computing Facility.

This file is of historical significance.  This is the first time the
internet infrastructure has been tested for error and potential security
risks.  The contents of this file are confidential and for the purpose of
copyright may not be distributed.  Planet Communications & Computing
Facility will make available to the general public on or after January
1st, 2001 the contents of this file under a public GNU licensing
agreement.  At that time you are free to distribute the contents to the
general public.

Every effort has been made to contact administrators of vulnerable name
servers, being BIND versions 4.9.5, 4.9.6 and 8.1.1, in the hope that said
name servers are upgraded.

The following entities are granted a limited license to use the BIND 1999
Survey for the purpose of organizing name server operators for political
and/or associated purposes and reasons;

        1. International Root Server Confederation
        2. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
        3. Open Root Server Confederation.

The following entities are granted a limited license to use the BIND 1999
Survey for the purpose of correcting errors in the public domain name

        1. Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission
        2. Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center
        3. Federal Computer Incident Response Capability Team.

                                Joe Baptista, Director
                                Planet Communications & Computing Facility
                                Voice/Fax (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

[ Part 2, ""  Application/OCTET-STREAM (Name: "bind-1999-publish.tar.gz")  13MB. ]

-- statistics


                    1999 Internet Name Daemon Survey
     (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 Planet Communications & Computing Facility

The 1999 (Berkeley) Internet Name Daemon Survey enumerated 223,697
systems/hosts maintained by 109,442 hostmasters.  Of those systems
enumerated 199,166 returned valid SOA records.  24,527 SOA records were

164,490 systems responded to ICMP, 46,701 failed ICMP.  12,493 hosts
failed to resolve.  161,209 hosts had an internet named daemon running and
62,476 listed dns hosts failed daemon tests.

BIND queries returned 7,082 versions of 4.9.5,  10,122 of v.4.9.6, 17,188
of v.4.9.7, 5,045 of v.8.1.1, 38,842 of v.8.1.2, and 6,984 of BIND version

The enumeration was conducted during the period of June 3rd, 1999 to July
7th, 1999.  54 top level domain zone files dated from April 11th, 1999 to
July 4th, 1999 were used to extract host information.  A listing of the
zones follows:

     ZONE  DATE           # HOSTS    DESCRIPTION
     ----- -------------- -------    ---------------------
     .     Apr 11, 1999       413    TLD name servers
     ar    Jul 3, 1999       2891    Argentina
     arpa  Jun 13, 1999     19625    ARPA ipv4
     at    Jun 28, 1999      3593    Austria
     au    Jun 8, 1999      11214    Australia
     be    Jun 27, 1999      2219    Belgium
     ca    Jun 1, 1999       8026    Canada
     cl    Jul 4, 1999       2649    Chile
     cn    Jun 12, 1999      8183    China
     co    Jul 4, 1999       1905    Colombia
     com   Apr 27, 1999    134333    Commercial Domains
     cz    Jul 4, 1999       2514    Czech Republic
     de    Jun 13, 1999      7585    Germany
     edu   Jun 2, 1999       6506    Educational Institutions
     ee    Jul 4, 1999        468    Estonia
     es    Jun 15, 1999      2273    Spain
     fi    Jun 27, 1999      2097    Finland
     fr    Jun 8, 1999       3904    France
     gov   Jun 2, 1999        716    U.S. Government
     gr    Jul 4, 1999       1898    Greece
     hu    Jul 4, 1999       1089    Hungary
     id    Jul 4, 1999       1125    Indonesia
     ie    Jul 4, 1999       1025    Ireland
     il    Jul 4, 1999       1868    Israel
     in    Jun 15, 1999       775    India
     is    Jul 4, 1999        284    Iceland
     it    Jun 13, 1999      4788    Italy
     lt    Jul 4, 1999        390    Lithuania
     lv    Jul 4, 1999        668    Latvia
     mil   Apr 30, 1999       121    U.S. Military
     my    Jun 15, 1999      2095    Malaysia
     nl    Jun 27, 1999      2784    Netherlands
     no    Jun 27, 1999      1615    Norway
     nu    Jun 12, 1999      7115    Niue
     nz    Jul 4, 1999       2290    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
     org   Apr 30, 1999     61739    Organizations
     pl    Jun 27, 1999      2054    Poland
     pt    Jun 15, 1999      1142    Portugal
     ro    Jul 4, 1999       1504    Romania
     ru    Jun 5, 1999       5009    Russian Federation
     se    Jun 27, 1999      4892    Sweden
     sg    Jul 4, 1999       2550    Singapore
     si    Jul 4, 1999        640    Slovenia
     sk    Jul 4, 1999       2007    Slovak Republic
     su    Jul 4, 1999        751    USSR (former)
     th    Jul 4, 1999        898    Thailand
     to    Jun 8, 1999       4948    Tonga
     tr    Jul 4, 1999       1573    Turkey
     tw    Jun 27, 1999       356    Taiwan
     ua    Jul 4, 1999       1692    Ukraine
     uk    Jun 8, 1999      10012    United Kingdom
     us    Jul 3, 1999       4738    United States
     uy    Jul 4, 1999        250    Uruguay
     za    Jun 27, 1999      2491    South Africa

J. Baptista                     Planet Communications & Computing Facility
                                Voice/Fax (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033      

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