James - look on the positive side.  The US News cares about your values
and sensibilities.  They don't want to upset you - either case fear - as
in fear of revolution, or bad manners, i.e. the faith of the ugly

In the US news is a marketing function not to be confused with real
information or reporting.


On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, James Santagata wrote:

> At 08:35 AM 12/1/99 -0800, Kent Crispin wrote:
> >On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 09:29:20AM -0500, Mark Jeftovic wrote:
> >>
> >> On 01-Dec-99 Jay Fenello wrote:
> >> > Well, it's 3:30 a.m. EST, and I have seen very
> >> > little coverage of the riots.  It's seems that
> >> > the Pete Rose story is a much higher priority
> >> > topic tonight!
> >> >
> >> > In other words, I'd say were in the midsts of
> >> > another media blackout.  For those who missed
> >> > the last one, there is a good summary at:
> >> >     http://www.icann.org/comments-mail/icann-current/msg00677.html
> >> >
> >>
> >> I dunno Jay, I don't watch much TV but I flipped on CNN last night and
> >> they had quite extensive coverage of it. Also the radio station I listen
> >> to in the morning (CFRB in Toronto) talked about it at length as well.
> >
> >Front page banner headline in the San Francisco Chronicle...
> I can tell you from California I'm getting nothing. Oh yeah, sure there
> is always CNN (I have 5 news channels and this is the only one that shows
> anything other than stock footage on the local news). Where was Nightline?
> And considering that routine car chases on California freeways can
> pre-empt televised soap operas and daytime drama for 4 hours so you can
> watch the chase live and then the criminal/suspect get shot by police, you
> would think that anarchist riots, tear gasing, the firing of rubber
> bullets, the calling out of the national guard and a 5 pm curfew would get
> you some coverage, right? Not in the US anymore. Of course, us folk in the
> US never did get accurate coverage of the riots and protests in Greece
> either. We were told it was "several hundred" protestors. We had to turn to
> the non-US press for accurate news. Turned out to be thousands.
> To be fair, I did see some short blurb on local dockworkers in San Francisco
> who were refusing to load or unload ships to protest the impact of WTO on
> national sovereignty. Seemed hypocritical to me, since these workers had no
> problem with "national sovereignty" as they loaded bombs and missiles for
> shipment to NATO to be used to kill people and violate a small European
> countries sovereignty.
> James

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