Jay Fenello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>Well, it's 3:30 a.m. EST, and I have seen very
>little coverage of the riots.  It's seems that
>the Pete Rose story is a much higher priority
>topic tonight!
>In other words, I'd say were in the midsts of
>another media blackout.

Apparently, it's not a very effective blackout, Jay.  1/4 of the front page
of the NY Times was devoted to the events in Seattle.   Included was a
full-color photo of police, demonstrators, and tear gas, all "above the
midline" of the paper.  Highly visible, very striking.  Those who have
registered with the NYT can see it at

Network news often follows he lead of the NYT in determining their coverage
of a story, so I bet we'll see plenty on the tube today.

Jay, I think  you want the press to give you a "fair hearing."  If so, I'd
advise you to be careful about making accusations of "blackout" that are
contradicted by facts.  Doing so leads press people to label you as
"crackpot" insead of "intelligent dissenter."

Peter J. Farmer -- Director, Optical Communications
Strategies Unlimited  http://www.strategies-u.com
Mountain View, CA
+1 650 941-3438 (voice)
+1 650 941 5120 (fax)

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