Patrick and all,

  Well Patrick, in this instance you are in part correct.  I believe
some time ago Ed Gerik posted several series of posts along
these lines as "Trust Models".  Very excellent ones as I recall,
isn't that correct Ed?  Chime in here guy!

  The problem with the disjointed and short sighted idea of using
a drivers license as "Proof" is in part as Patrick has suggested.
It is also a bit invalid for other reasons as a matter of participation
in any fora as well.  For example, suppose the person(s) do not
have Drivers licenses?  Suppose they are sight impaired, or physically
handicapped to the point that they cannot drive a car and therefore
do not have a drivers license?  Suppose, as with some of our members,
they are elderly, and cannot pass a drivers test anymore?  Are these
good reasons or criterion for not allowing participation in this fora?
I think not.

  Hasn't the "Keystone Cops" scenario that Patrick mentioned here
already gone way too far?  Why would anyone want to disinclude any
stakeholder from participating equally?  Isn't that what the WG-D??, all
about in the "Reachout" idea?  Hasn't the paranoia of some with those
tendencies gone way too far?  I think these are all questions that ALL
of us need to ask ourselves frequently...

Patrick Greenwell wrote:

> On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Mark C. Langston wrote:
> >
> > In the interest of putting an end to these shenanigans, I withdraw
> > my preivous conditions for submitting my driver's license.  I'll be
> > happy to do it immediately on request.
> Using the "web-of-trust" concept(which is really an excellent idea), I
> don't see why this would be necessary in your case. Myself and several
> other saw you and heard you speak when you went up to the mike at one of
> the Names Council meetings held in San Jose. I'd vouch for the veracity of
> your existence. Many others not present at that meeting have met me in the
> past, and as such know that I am a real person too.
> If a successful attempt to eliminate frauds such as the multiple
> personalities of Jeff Williams is to be made, I am not confident that
> simply faxing a license will be sufficient given the ease with which
> documents can be digitally manipulated, and the difficulty in recognizing
> such manipulation due to the lack of granularity inherient in a fax. If
> anyone doubts that someone would bother to go to such effort consider the
> vast quantities of time Jeff has dedicated to inflicting his fantasy world
> on all of us for so long, including the effort involved in signing up with
> several providers and carrying on conversations with himself. Mailings
> would at least minimize the number of personalities someone could claim.
> Everyone is being forced to play the electronic version of "Keystone
> Cops." At some point, people are going to have to decide when they have
> had enough....


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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