Darrell and all,

  I just read Bob Davis's response, I must agree with it as well.
Darrell, the public key system with appropriate CA's are in place
to address just this sort of problem.  Why ICANN and most
specifically the DNSO has not availed themselves of the use
or PGP or other Digital public Key systems on this mailing list
is a true mystery to me, and others as have made note already,
and a gross oversight on the part of the ICANN Board and more
specifically the DNSO NC.  I can only agree, as I an others
have observed, and Bob correctly pointed out i that possibly
it is because   the DNSO GA list server is located in France,
which has lagged in this respect.  I find this, as do many others
to be somewhat lame on Frances part....

  Of course for those that participated on the ICANN membership
list [EMAIL PROTECTED], one will remember or can review for
themselves that I advocated using such a solution for the purposes
of voting by the at large membership of the yet to be determined
ICANN membership.  Kent Crispin I recall had several objections
of which were of questionable validity in actuality given the state
of the technology as it is today.  But given Kent's rancor towards
any individual having a voice and a vote on anything ICANN
will do or can do, besides himself of course, this is not a surprising
sort of response mode from Kent....

Darrell Greenwood wrote:

> At 12:33 PM -0800 12/6/99, Mark C. Langston wrote:
> >Perhaps if we were to require a nominal, even nonsensical fee,
> >which must be submitted by personal check (or local equivalent).
> >I write out a check for US$1.00, sign it, write my e-mail address
> >on it, and mail it off.  This would allow us to use another agency's
> >normal function as an identity validation, and while it wouldn't
> >eliminate multiple-personality types, it would make their
> >participation significantly more difficult.
> FWIW, public access nyx.net had a pile of problems with fake people
> at one point including the well known Kevin Mitnick.
> After trial and error, their current vetting process for membership
> is now either a driver's license presented to a designated individual
> in person, a check drawn on a bank for any amount, or notarized
> forms. This seemed to solve their ID problem as there have been no
> apparent problems for years.
> Unfortunately the check option at nyx only works for checks on US
> banks. I was fortunate to have a US bank account even though I am in
> Canada. But perhaps the idea could be extended to other countries.
> The notary process is cumbersome and in some countries, impractical
> due to the cost according to some postings at nyx that I have read.
> Cheers,
> Darrell
> --
> Darrell Greenwood           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Vancouver, BC               http://www.nyx.net/~dgreenw/


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
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