On February 9, 2000, Tony Rutkowski wrote:

>Thanks for the great notes - which from my sampling
>via the webcast - appeared to capture the moment.
>The general hostility to business and users was rather
>disconcerting.  They seemed to duck the fundamental
>question of why some casual user with no stake whatsoever
>would bother to participate in any of this, and whether
>you want a scheme where non-stakeholders control half the
>board.  This seemed typified in your summary, above.
>Ultimately, the only legitimate function of the organization
>is to facilitate cooperation and coordination among those
>parties directly dealing with domain names and IP addresses.

I agree.

I believe one of the reasons we are in Year 2 of ICANN without an At Large
membership is because that membership was defined too broadly.  That
presents the seemingly impossible task of authentication.  Apparently,
others participating in today's roundtable share this concern.

The definition of membership should have stuck closely with ICANN's
original mandate: technical coordination of domain names and IP addresses.
By pulling into its sphere potential stakeholders of all stripes, then,
defacto, ICANN's charter gets expanded into other areas.

Ellen Rony                    ____             The Domain Name Handbook
Co-author                 ^..^     )6     http://www.domainhandbook.com
+1  415.435.5010          (oo) -^--               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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           DOT COM is the PigLatin.com of the InformationAge.com.
  1999 Cyberserk Awards: http://www.domainhandbook.com/awards99.html

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