At 01:26 PM 2/9/00 -0800, you wrote:
>On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 02:59:48PM -0500, Andy Oram wrote:
>> Hill:                We seem to have a "fear of the masses." We don't have
>>              to worry about capture through elections; people like
>>              Berman in the CDT can go online and drum up a couple
>>              hundred people to take their position.
>This was a joke, right?  Please tell me that people laughed.
>Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

Only the people with nameservers laughed. Everybody else thought
it was kewl.

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
                                               - Mark Crispin

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