On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:

> There have been two incidents recently of mail where the From: header of 
> the message does not correspond with the writer of the message.
> One, of unknown origin, was marked From: Roberto Gaetano.
> One, claiming to be from Joe Baptista, was marked From: Kent Crispin.

That is correct Harald.  And I just want to take this moment to say that I
am appalled at the lax censorship detail in the GA.  It's you people in
the Names Council who decided the GA was to be censored and as such you
should all take it seriously.  But what I have seen in the GA is the
opposite of serious.

Lax censorship standards allowing for the posting of unauthorized
messages.  What's wrong with elezabeth our censorship queen, is she
getting lazy.  To censor one must always be vigilent.  Everyday is a
censorship day, every hour another 60 minutes of censorship extasy.

It's obvious elizabeth does not take her censorship duties seriously.  And
like everything else in ICANN - the censorship of the GA is substandard.

As you know Harald - when one begins to censor - one does not censor just
for today - one must censor everyday.  And as one of the people who
exposed censorship practices in the GA I take great pride in the knowledge
that man hours are required to keep that place free of anti ICANN

> Monitoring of posts sharing some characteristics with those postings has 
> been imposed, and will remain in effect until July 26; we apologize for any 
> inconvenience to legitimate postings sharing characteristics with the faked 
> messages.

Inconvenience and obstruction is the motivating force behind ICANN.  See
it as carrying on the tradition.  We need more of this sort of thing to
show the US legislatures the truth behind ICANN.

> Note: At the moment, Jeff Williams is the only person barred from sending 
> to the list. Most other messages rejected by the list software either comes 
> from nonsubscribers or violates the crossposting rule.

That is a lie.  Jeff Williams is not the only person barred from sending
to the list.  I have been barred for life and you are the person who did
that.  Let's not be shy about admitting the obvious ;-)

Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster
                                        +1 (805) 753-8697

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