At 03:42 PM 7/31/00, Kent Crispin wrote:
>On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 01:53:05PM -0400, Richard J. Sexton wrote:
> > Sure, a million users is nothing to sneeze at. I think part of the
> > problem here is the notion that the decision to support 10,000
> > users wasn't ever made public - perhaps it was and I just missed
> > it although that seems unlikely - but, I'm utterly convinced it
> > that hard limit was made public people woild have freaked out
> > and severely questioned and warned about such a small number.
>Nobody set a hard limit.

More disinfo from Kent!
(how's blackops for the DoD Kent? ;-).

Here it is, in Vint's own words:

At 12:43 PM 7/30/00, vinton g. cerf wrote:
>Every possible effort was made to increase the rate at which
>registrations could be processed and we've gone from about 1000
>a day to an artificially limited 5,000 per day (200 per hour)
>simply because staff time to process is limited. Registrations
>close July 31. 

Note the term "artificially limited"!!!

That means that they have made a decision 
to *only* accept 200 registrations per hour, 
regardless of what their system can accommodate!

> > At the end of the day, planning for 10,000 anf getting 143,000
> > gets you in trouble. Planning for a million and getting 143,000
> > doesn't.
>Sure it does.  You've wasted money, lots of it.
> > As for the money, Becky Burr/NTIC/DoC has stated in open fora
> > that if it came right down to it and ICANN couldn't afford
> > to do what it was doing, DoC would not let it fail because
> > of money. I have no reason to believe she was lying.
>Of course! It's so simple! ICANN can spend as much money as it wants
>because the DOC will bail them out. 

Not widely reported, but true ...

Markle had already agreed to provide 
additional funding if necessary!!!

Next excuse?


> > Alternatives are always an option. If people were asekd "do
> > you want only the first 10,000 to be able to vote or
> > do you mind if we ask you to send a self addresses stamped
> > envelope or a doller or two if you're outside the US" my
> > off the wall guess is people would pick the latter.
>Hindsight is wonderful.  Planning with off the wall guesses is a 
>Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain


Jay Fenello,
New Media Strategies
------------------------------------  770-392-9480
Aligning with Purpose(sm) ... for a Better World
"We are witness to the emergence of an epic struggle 
between corporate globalization and popular democracy."
    -- David Korten

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