The dot.GOD Registry
August 7, 2000

The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta
Office of the Secretary, Room 5854
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th & Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20230
Fax:    202-482-2741

Dear Mr. Secretary:

This letter will serve to bring to your attention an issue of some 
importance.  This weekend participants to the domain policy lists were 
advised by a representative of Network Solutions that the list and all 
associated resources under the domain were being terminated 
by the Department of Commerce.

This action initiated by one Becky Burr will result in considerable 
inconvenience to the Internet community.  I also suspect it is yet another 
attempt by your department to bury an official record of domain 
issues.  The Internic archives located at  is one of 
the largest repositories of issues concerning domain names.  These 
archives go back to 1996 and the contributions to it come from every walk 
of life on the Internet.

By closing down these archives your department's actions will result in
millions of broken links on the World Wide Web which depend on this
Department of Commerce resource.

I doubt this letter will result in any reversal of your department's
action.  Therefore, I hereby request access to the records under FOIA
laws.  Please provide me with access to all records and items in paper
form or electronic format which originate from myself, or are replies or
topics associated with myself, and or the organization "The dot.GOD
Registry", and or any item dealing with the top level domain for GOD.

J. Baptista, Hostmaster & Director
The dot.GOD Registry

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