Hey everyone, 

1.  Two ICANN critics have been elected to ICANN Board.  Here is an article by Aaron 
Pressman of the Standard on the recently concluded ICANN election:

2.  Is There Anyone Out There Who is Good at Doing Interviews With The Press?  I was 
just interviewed by Verne Kopytoff at the San Francisco Chronicle about the ICANN 
elections.  When he writes the article I will forward it on to you.  We're starting to 
get more and more good press.  

This is the third interview request that I have had.

I am not the best spokesperson for internet sufferage (internet democracy). 

I want to create a panel of people to with whon  can share future interview requests.  
Any volunteers?  There are only two requirements:

(a) You must be able to speak in sound bites.  You must have enough self presence to 
understand the difference between a statement that is outrageous and quotable vs. one 
that sounds like it's coming from some kind petty low life whose reality is of no 
relevance to "us" (you know, the technology equivalent of the participants on those TV 
talk shows and Court shows.  :^)

(b) You must not be obsessed with some particular position of some splinter group or 
special interest group.  The subject matter needs to be ICANN (not your favorite 
special interest group). 

Though... if you can do (a) well...maybe (b) doesn't count.  There are just not enough 
of us who can do (a) very well.  That's why no one is listening to us.  And that is 
what we need to fix.  

If you think you can help, and you are a good talker... give me a call at 847/676-2774

3.  Here is a collection of resources for anyone who wants to learn more about ICANN 
vs. Internet Democracy.
http://infoworld.com/articles/op/xml/00/10/02/001002oplivingston.xml (by 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) - In my opinion, the best article to date on ICANN's 
dysfunctional behavior...  
http://www.media-visions.com/icann.htm (Analyzing ICANN - a page with a very good set 
of links to pages containing well researched and reasoned critical analysis of ICANN)
http://www.ADOR-DOC.ORG/wipoletter.html (you can't understand how outrageous has been  
ICANN's behavior with respect to favoring large corporations in domain disputes... 
unless you read this) 
http://www.news.com/Perspectives/Column/0,176,459,00.html (article by by Brian 
Livingston of cnet about ICANN bias in domain name arbitration)
http://www.Icannwatch.org (regularly updated website monitoring ICANN activities)
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/full_coverage/tech/domain_names_and_registration/ (100s of 
articles written by reporters who've been covering these issues)
http://www.flywheel.com/ircw/overview.html (an overview of the domain names 
controversy - starting pre-ICANN with an extensive and thorough  set of related links)
http://www.icann.org  (ICANN's Web Site)  
http://umcc.ais.org/~ronda/ (background on the development of the Internet and the 
role of the government)
http://www.iciiu.org/ (International Congress of Independent Internet Users)
http://www.eff.org/ (electronic Frontier Foundation (the ACLU of the Internet)
http://www.media-visions.com/newdom2b.html (links to government and industry leaders)
http://www.media-visions.com/icann-involved.htm (steps you can take to help this 

4.  Please pass this email along to anyone who might want to be added to the 
distribution list.

Curtis Sahakian

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