Yes Ben - it's ICANN fiesta time - one more time.  But this meeting will
not be boring.  We at pccf will be doing very little this time round.  But
we are looking forward to watching the show.  And I can gurantee that this
will be a good show.  It will be boring with moments of entertainment.

I expect as always the irc channel will be restricted - i.e. no
conversations about fruits or racy cocktail drinks ;-)

joe baptista

Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Ben Edelman wrote:

> Greetings!
> Because you attended or participated remotely in one or more prior ICANN
> meetings, ICANN would like to remind you of its upcoming meetings to be held
> in Los Angeles, California on November 13 through 16.  Major agenda items
> will include policies relating to the creation of new top-level domain
> registries and relating to ccTLD delegation and administration.  More
> information about the meetings is available at
> <>.
> If you plan to attend in person, please preregister via
> <> (if you have not
> already done so).  While preregistration is not required, it helps local
> organizers anticipate attendance and allows you to be kept up to date with
> logistical updates as they become available.
> All plenary sessions will also be webcast with full remote participation.
> For more information about the webcast, including technical requirements to
> participate, see <>.  If you plan
> to participate by webcast, please preregister using
> <>.
> Finally, if you are not already subscribed to ICANN's announcements list,
> you may want to join it.  Subscription instructions at
> <>.
> Ben Edelman
> Berkman Center for Internet and Society
> Harvard Law School

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