At 10:31 AM 11/3/00, Jim Dixon wrote:
>Nevertheless, what has happened here demonstrates a basic flaw at the
>heart of the domain name system.  ICANN and many essential Internet
>resources remain subject to US jurisdiction.  ICANN itself is just a
>California corporation, so it is subject to the passing whims of the
>California legislature as well as those of Congress, the executive
>branches, and various and sundry US state and federal courts.  
>Some argue that ICANN should itself have authority over all of the
>Internet domain name system and the IP address space and in fact 
>things are creeping in this direction.  Given the now-crucial role 
>that the Internet plays in the global economy, ICANN's hegemony 
>gives, for example, representatives of small towns in California sitting
>on the right committee in Sacramento remarkable and truly unique power
>over the rest of the planet.

Hi Jim,

When exploring ICANN's hegemony (aka domination)
over the Internet, you can't help but explore how 
power and control is expressed in the real world.

In response to one of my recent postings, someone 
commented on my latest sig file with this URL:

To learn more, just "follow the white rabbit" :-)



Jay Fenello,
New Media Strategies
------------------------------------  678-585-9765
Aligning with Purpose(sm) ... for a Better World
"Wake up, Neo...  The Matrix has you..."  -- Trinity

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