At 03:00 PM 11/6/00 +0000, Jim Dixon wrote:
>On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, Dave Crocker wrote:
>> >Whatever can be done to provide diversity and resilience in the
>> >management of the Internet should be done.  Keeping .EU clear from
>> >ICANN's entanglements was a small but real step in this direction.
>> How does another ccTLD in any way "provide diversity" for gTLDs?
>Several hundred million people live in Europe.  .EU is likely to 
>become the TLD of choice in this continent.  

Jim, I love ya man, but are you on drugs or what?

>who would otherwise register names in .COM/NET/ORG; it's likely
>that many millions will register names in .EU.

A dollar says ot won't have as many regs as .de in 2 years from
it's incept.

>One option was that .EU would be chartered as a new-style ICANN
>TLD; this would have given ICANN nominal control over what will 
>become a substantial part of the domain name system.
>Fortunately the decision was to have .EU classified as a ccTLD.

So instead th GAC will have control over it? Um, was this really thought through?

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