On 3/6/2012 2:57 PM, Mike McLaughlin wrote:
On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 11:13 AM, - Dickie Bradford - <dbradf...@never-enuff.net <mailto:dbradf...@never-enuff.net>> wrote:

    On 3/5/2012 4:13 PM, Christoph Hanle wrote:

        On 05.03.2012 15:21 - Dickie Bradford - wrote:

            I have a pfsense 2.0.1 -Release (i386) it has dual wans (wan &
            wan2(opt1)) its been working great, but last night I had
            to change the
            ip address and gateway for wan and since this change i
            cannot route
            anything out of wan interface, wan2 still works fine. I
            had had this
            issue once before and to get around it I just reloaded
            pfsense and
            started over but that isnt really an option this time.


            Please let me know what else I can provide to help track
            this issue down.

        Looks like an issue with the arp cache on the switch or router
        at the WAN interface. A reboot of the attached equipment can
        resolve the isuue.


            Thank you


    Well, I pulled the plug on the cable modem for over 5 mins, and
    still no luck.  I am able to ping anything local to this subnet,
    but nothing outside, it seems like a routing / gateway issue, but
    unsure really what to look for next.  Like I said before, I have
    had this happen in the past, going from a private ip on the wan to
    a public ip and with the same result, and in the end last time, I
    had to reload pfsense.

    I also did check the NAT and they are automatically created

    Anything else I can check?



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Do you happen to have phone service on your cable? If so, unplugging it wont work as it will have a battery inside the modem more than likely. You'll have to remove the battery when you unplug it. I'd also recommend more than 5 minutes if you're trying to flush MAC addresses - consider 10-15 min. I know on Comcast they're brutal about how long they hold on.

Yes there is, I forgot about the battery backup.  I'll try that tonight.

Thnx for the reminder :-)


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