I have a task to connect a number of small/home offices via VPN (OpenVPN is preferred but could be IPSEC) to a central location that has a pfSense box as its FW/Router. Does anyone have any recommendations based on their personal experiences as to which brands/models to look at first? I know I could get any number if open source based routers and load DD-WRT but am hoping to limit the number of steps needed as there could potential be Yes I know I am being lazy and hoping to avoid the many hours of research by asking here. I have been Google 'ing but getting mostly marketing mumbo jumbo and not a much related real world experience. Also what are the limits related to how many OpenVPN, or IPSEC, tunnels I can connect to a relatively well spec 'ed pfSense box? I.E 2.2 GHz Opteron 4122, 4GB Ram, Supermicro (intel based) Gigabyte network cards. I can easily add bandwidth as I add tunnels so that is not a limiting factor in itself. Each tunnel will be routed to a specific single server behind the firewall.

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