Ian Bowers wrote:
> are both pfSense A and pfSense B on the same subnet?  such that pfSense A
> is the default gateway for clients, but pfSense B is how they have to get
> to the printer?

Yes to all of that.

> if this is the case, and both firewalls are on the same
> subnet, you're going to have issues.

That's a shame to hear as I was under the impression this was entirely
normal, and it worked fine for a couple of years, possibly until pfSense A
was upgraded from 1.2.3 to 2.0 (whilst at that time pfSense B remained on
1.2.3; both are now on 2.1.0).

Would it help if I added a third network adapter to pfSense A, attached to
the subnet that the printer is on? (This is a medium term goal anyway, so
as to save power and support costs)

Pete Boyd

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