pfSense has menu options that allow to move/create /tmp and /var in RAM.
These can be found in System>Advanced>Miscellaneous.

Then logging would be written to the RAM disk.

Note that the logs will be lost when the power goes out. You will need to
setup a scheduled job that does backups if you wish to persist the logs
across reboots.

Also note that all file systems slow down as the get full. As flash runs
out of empty write blocks, its performance also suffers. Something you
might try is the replace the existing flash card with something 2x-4x times

You might try getting the lsof package/tool from a FreeBSD 8.3 machine
(assuming you are running the current version of pfSense) and
installing/copying it to your system.

FreeBSD has two commands that provide many of the features in lsof:


pfSense has both of these commands installed.

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 8:09 PM, Wajih Ahmed <> wrote:

> My pfsense laptop with a PATA CF card is disk bound these days.  The disk
> is always busy above 60% and mostly in the 90's.  Futhermore the service
> times are abysmal.  It takes more than a minute just to refresh the
> dashboard.  Initially the system was very quick but then i later i
> intruduced Captive Portal and then Radius (with accounting).  I think all
> of these are writing constantly to the filesystem.
> I do have plenty of RAM so i was thinking to place the captive portal and
> other logs on a "ram disk".  Is this possible in pfsense?
> BTW it would be very nice to have a tool like lsof to see what files a pid
> has open and writing too.  But pfsense does not have lsof package.
> Thanks
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