-----Original Message-----
From: List [mailto:list-boun...@lists.pfsense.org] On Behalf Of Jim Pingle
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2014 2:22 PM
To: pfSense Support and Discussion Mailing List
Subject: Re: [pfSense] ldap authentication against active directory fails with 
passwords containing the paragraph sign

On 6/5/2014 8:02 AM, Freund, Ingo wrote:
> today a user complained about not being able to login to IPsec VPN on the 
> pfSense via Shrew-Client 2.2.2 after he had changed his password.
> After some research and testing we have to report that passwords which 
> contain the paragraph sign 'ยง' are not validated the right way.
> The message on the DC is: Wrong username or password.
> After changing the paragraph sign into e.g. the dollar sign, everything works 
> fine.
> Is this a bug?

Did you check "UTF8 Encode" on the LDAP server settings?

If not, then such non-standard characters may not have been sent in the
proper format for the server to understand.


Hi Jim,

thank you.
After activating the mentioned checkbox the logins are working as expected.

Bye - Ingo
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