> Did you ever had troubles with virtio drivers?

I have a pfSense guest that runs fine with all virtio drivers (lan,storage)
but you might want to switch back to IDE just to see if your virtio storage
driver is causing the issue. 

Your xml file looks very much like a pfSense guest I have running on Ubuntu
12.04, except mine has these differences:

<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-0.14'>hvm</type>
(I've had problems with some OSes with the wrong 'machine' type)

<disk type='file' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='writeback'/>
(I use files because I don't have a need to dedicate a disk, and pfSense
uses very little drive space. Also makes it easy to back up the guest by
copying the file)

Speaking of drives, do you have a way to read the SMART values from the hard
drives on your raid controller? Drives can fail slowly, but to know you have
to read the following SMART values:

Reallocated sector count
Current Pending sector count
Uncorrectable sector count
GSense error rate (if the drive has experienced a shock while running. More
likely on laptops)

Also, when you're seeing weird problems, booting and running memtest86 on
the host for several passes will test the systems RAM. Best to let it run 4
or 5 passes, or even letting it run overnight if possible.

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