> On Oct 30, 2014, at 9:28 AM, Jeppe Øland <jol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 3 year old Kingston SSDs are not like new Kingston SSDs.
> Agreed.
> On the other hand, I tend to distrust manufacturers that shipped
> completely unreliable drives without any thought.
> Kingston/OCZ/Crucial are all in this boat for me.

I’m sure I’ve been burned at least as badly by these, and others, and I still 
buy from them.

Samsung 840s are the darling of the “cheap, fast SSD” and they turn out to 
suck, too:

> As for Nano, I thought it mounted almost everything as RO and only
> changed settings to write down settings changes, and RRD databases etc
> on reboots?

I think I’ve already responded to this.

nano is a > 10 year old “solution” to the problems that existed at the time.

That doesn’t mean it’s a bad solution, but though it’s author is a brilliant 
individual, he obviously didn’t envision SSD in 2004.


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