Network Configuration Operators group works in Windows 7 (Pro). We explored the 
MI-GUI as well, and  may be the only viable option for Win8 and up. The timing 
issues mentioned below led us to go w/ the Network config group solution on our 
Win7 pro machines.

Gordon Russell
Clarke County IT
540 955 5135

> This works for WinXP, but for Vista and newer, you really need the OpenVPN
> GUI add-on. IIRC, the particular security group no longer provides the
> desired permissions in Vista and newer.
> With the GUI add-on, basically you ensure that the openvpn service is running
> (autostart) and add a few lines to your .ovpn config, something the likes
> of:
> management 1194
> management-hold
> management-query-passwords
> auth-retry interact
> and then the OpenVPN GUI will connect to the openvpn service to manage it
> "remotely". So basically the permission issue is avoided by letting the
> openvpn service perform all the tasks instead. After putting some registry
> settings and adding command line args to the GUI shortcut, it all works nice
> enough.
> On a sidenote, setting the openvpn service to autostart may result in some
> odd post-login delays. Setting it to delayed start avoids this, but that
> means that the user needs to be competent / patient enough to wait until the
> service is up and running, which can take a while, and close / re-open the
> GUI client afterwards.
> -Marijn
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