On 6/Feb/15 05:22, Chuck Mariotti wrote:

Thanks… I am leaning that way I think… just trying to wrap my head around if it is worth trying to buy more ram + more storage (HW RAID) to make them ESXI worthy to run VMs, or if I should just keep it basic… the ESXI is tempting since I can at least make the secondary server do other stuff instead of just waiting for a failure on primary. Trying to think of a useful virtual machines to run that are not mission critical if a machine dies (since not raid), don’t have license to real-time replicate it on the VMWare side, but that might be useful for datacenter...

We bought from high-end HP servers back in June last year whose CPU's didn't agree with pfSense (2.1 at the time).

The only solution was to run pfSense in a VM on that particular hardware. We used ESXi for this.

Maybe it's worth trying to run 2.2 natively to see if those CPU's are now covered.

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