On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 9:24 PM, Ryan Coleman <ryan.cole...@cwis.biz> wrote:

> How do you get this to function with Dyn.com (formerly DynDNS.com <
> http://dyndns.com/
> >)? I have the paid domain and I’ve gotten CenturyLink DSL modems to
> negotiate the IP without issue before but I cannot seem to figure out the
> configuration for pfSense.

You'd have to ask Dyn if they can make host names within your own domain
dynamic. The dynamic DNS configuration in pfSense is for working with their
existing dynamic DNS domains, like foo.dyndns.org.

Personally, I set up my own personal domain (which I self-host in BIND9) to
work with the RFC 2136 client within pfSense. It involved having a
sub-domain to hold the dynamic parts for easier management. I did not spend
the effort to figure out if I could mix and match static and dynamic domain
names in the top level.
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