On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Chris Bagnall <pfse...@lists.minotaur.cc>

> Would you be willing to share your RFC2136/bind9 config?

Here's a copy of my notes:

Dynamic DNS Update

   - Created by Vick Khera <http://projects/confluence/display/~khera>,
   last modified on Nov 10, 2014

To support the ever-changing IP address that FiOS issues, dynamic DNS is
configured under the domain dyn.khera.org to work with RFC2136 clients.
The pfSense firewall is able to function as such a client, and to use these
dynamic host names within firewall rules to permit the client to move IP
yet still retain services via the firewall.
Initial Configuration

This configuration is based on that  from
http://www.shakabuku.org/writing/dyndns.html and

*named.conf zone file additions*
include "../dyn-keys.conf";
zone "dyn.khera.org" {
    type master;
    file "../dynamic/dyn.khera.org";
    update-policy {
        grant *.dyn.khera.org. self dyn.khera.org. A AAAA;
        grant dyn-control zonesub ANY;

This defines the dynamic zone, which will be periodically written to the
dynamic/dyn.khera.org zone file. Line 1 includes by reference the list of
keys we will allow to update the zone. Line 6 permits keys of the name
format *.dyn.khera.org to update entries of that name only. That is,
foobar.dyn.khera.org key is only permitted to update A and AAAA records for
the domain name foobar.dyn.khera.org and nothing else. The line 7
permissions allows our master control key to update any record in this
zone. Also, in khera.org zone, an entry for dyn.khera.org NS
kci.kcilink.com was
created to send all requests for the dynamic zone to the primary server.

The key for the "dyn-control" is generated using this command:
ddns-confgen -k dyn-control

The resulting key then copied to the top of the dyn-keys.conf file and to
the dyn-control.key file for use with nsupdate command.

Create an empty zone file dyn.khera.org and run rndc reload to load the new
Manual Zone Manipulation

Manual control of the zone is done via the nsupdate command. From time to
time, bind will write the dynamic/dyn.khera.org file with the current set
of entries. Between those writes, a journal file is kept to avoid losing
*Adding an Entry*
# nsupdate -k dyn-control.key
> server localhost
> update add test.dyn.khera.org 60 a
> send
*Delete an Entry*
# nsupdate -k dyn-control.key
> server localhost
> update delete test.dyn.khera.org a
> send
Adding Client

To add a client, newhost.dyn.khera.org, first create a key:
ddns-confgen -k newhost.dyn.khera.org -a hmac-md5

Copy the key into the dyn-keys.conf file and execute rndc reload to load
the new key into memory.

The client will then use the following settings:

   - Server: kci.kcilink.com
   - Hostname: newhost.dyn.khera.org
   - Key name: newhost.dyn.khera.org
   - Key: hmac key just generated
   - Key Type: host
   - TTL: 60

The configuration will permit the use of the key name newhost.dyn.khera.org
 to *only* update the A and AAAA records for the domain name
newhost.dyn.khera.org. Any other updates using that key will be denied.
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