Yes I did read that rather outdated and irrelevant article from 2010 or 2011, 
but once again and for the second time what relevance is it to his question and 
how to shutdown the interface. I am not a very PC person so forgive me I have 
never found a use for it or need. Did you read and comprehend what he is 
question was and he wanted ??  or just asume something and hit google. ? hmmm. 
He asked a valid question and has a need to shut down the interface when it is 
under attack. anyone with any actual practical knowledge and experience knows 
the upstream provider will still pass traffic even if your box Pfsense or other 
drops it before it gets to the internal network. your bandwidth is still used 
until the upstream provider limits it or sees its down and stops it for a min 
or until the interface come backup.  so in a dual wan or hosting even dropping 
the offending packets your bandwidth is still used up.


> On Dec 9, 2015, at 8:47 AM, Doug Lytle <> wrote:
> ----- On Dec 8, 2015, at 5:41 PM, wrote:
>> Doug what doese that link have to do with Pfsense and how does it help him 
>> configure pfsense.
>> Robert
> Apparently you didn't review the link, I'll quote a portion of it:
> "How to prevent and mititgate DDoS part 1?"
> "Hardware and software For the demonstration we will use pfSense 2.1"
> Doug
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