Current device is an xxx running pfSense 2.0.1-RELEASE

New device is an SG-2440 running pfSense 2.2.6-RELEASE

I decided that trying to reload the configuration file with that big of a gap in versions was asking for trouble so I built the new configuration by hand. It wasn't that complicated.

But no luck. We have a bock of 15 static IPs. with 5 of them currently mapped via NAT1:1 to 4 internal systems. Everything seemed to work except for DNS. Our mail server could receive and send as long as the DNS lookups were not required for new items.

We have a DNS server in house for all of the machines on our LAN to use. I really don't want the pfSense device to do anything but pass DNS queries out and get the responses back to our in house server.

DNS seems to have changed a lot in the release gap I'm crossing. Any quick thoughts before I dig in deeper.

I have disabled the DNS forwarder.

I have also disabled the DNS resolver.

I have looked at the various rules (not that many) and interface settings and don't see anything obvious.

Any pointers on what to check out.

David Ross
pfSense mailing list
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