I'm not sure I understand how a web page can tell where DNS responses 
to the OS are coming from, but I suspect what you may want is the DNS Resolver 
checkbox for "Enable Forwarding Mode" which will force pfSense to forward the 
query on, rather than try to resolve the query against the root servers.  Then 
it would use your OpenDNS servers, and where those servers are is up to 
OpenDNS.  I assume they're big enough to have them worldwide...?


Steve Yates
ITS, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: List <list-boun...@lists.pfsense.org> On Behalf Of Antonio
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 2:29 PM
To: pfSense Support and Discussion Mailing List <list@lists.pfsense.org>
Subject: [pfSense] DNS configurazione under VPN

Hi folks,

I'm trying to understand why I get DNS leaks. I am connecting to VPN
italian server from UK and when I go to www.dnsleaktest.com, the main
page says I'm connecting from Italy but then, when I do the advanced or
standard tests, these say I'm located in the UK.

I have:

2.4.3-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Mon Mar 26 18:02:04 CDT 2018
FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p7

Installed on a mini PC that is connected via WAN on a DLS modem (setup
in pass through mode, not router mode). pfSense is acting as a DNS
Resolver even though I have have OpenDNS set in the GENERAL tab (I
believe these are not being used because I'm connected via DNS
Resolver). Would it be best to configure pfSense as DNS FOrwarder?
ALthough I'm not sure that this is going to resolve my DNS leak problem.
All clients are confirgured with a DNS set to the IP of the pfSEnse
machine. Any suggestions on what is the best way to configure DNS on
pfSense where occasionally I fire up my OpenVPN connection?

Many thanks


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