El vie, 18-05-2018 a las 16:24 +0000, Steve Yates escribió:
>       I think your rule should work.  Are you sure there is not
> another rule above that one in the list of rules, that allows the
> inbound connection?  In other words the block rule has to be above
> the rule allowing traffic on port 25 to your mail server.
> --
> Steve Yates
> ITS, Inc.
That rule is the third in the WAN section, after the one blocking rfc
1918 networks and the one blocking bogon networks.

Could I create a rule saying, for instance: "reject packets originating
(apparently!) from the WAN address and directed to my WAN address? (as
they are trying to forge identity) 

Should that work?
M.Sc. Alberto García Fumero
Usuario Linux 97 138, registrado 10/12/1998
No son las horas que pones en tu trabajo lo que cuenta, sino el trabajo
que pones en esas horas.

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