I have noticed that in this list (the only one that I'm subscribed to
that uses SELMA to my knowledge) the To: and From: headers seem to
have data stripped from them.  For example, whenever I send an email,
the From: header shows "Chris Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
(minus the quotation marks, of course...).  Some where between when I
send the mail out, and when I get it back from SELMA, the From: header
is stripped down to just the email address.  Is there anyway to get it
to stop doing this?  (I remember people better from their names than
their email addresses, as some mail from home and work where the
addresses are different...)

Is there a user option that I can send directly to the SELMA program
to change that 'feature' for me, or is it hardcoded into SELMA to
strip that stuff?  (If hard coded, can it be changed to either not
strip it, or optionally strip it/not strip it?)

     Member: Team AMIGA                       --} WatchDog
Fingerprint: 2C 8A 03 3C D6 D3 32 7F         (Chris Elliott)
             66 0F 9B 9F 03 77 1D 85      PGP Key ID: A6A79259
<tsb>"Ford, you're turning into a penguin.  Stop it."  --Arthur Dent

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