On 17-Oct-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i> Hi Chris,

i> Noone seems to have answerd you, so I'll try ...

thanx.  Nice to know I wasn't completely ignored... ;-)

i> I haven't had a look at the selma source code, but I think that this
i> behaviour is caused by rebols email data-type:

I'm not sure.  I have my real-name data configured with my email
address in my user.r 'set-net.  (see below...)

i> There's no place to save the additional real-name data in this, like:

Try converting this string! to an email! with 'to-email...  you will
be surprised.  (again see below...)

i>>> send to-email "me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" "This is a test"  
i> connecting to: fuchur.2b1.de
i> ** User Error: Server error: tcp 501 <me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>: "@" or "." expected after 
i> ** Where: insert port reduce data

Now if you convert your string! to an email! like this, it seems to

  >> b: system/user/email
  == "Christopher Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
  >> type? b
  == string!
  >> b: to-email b
  == Christopher%20Elliott%20<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  >> type? b
  == email!

Now when I use 'b as email! to send a test mail to myself, I don't get
an error.

  >> send to-email b "this is a test"
  connecting to: mail.crosswinds.net

This is the raw email that I got back (indented here to separate it
from this email text...).

  Received: by dot.crosswinds.net (mbox sembazuru)
   (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Sun Oct 17 13:44:57 1999)
  X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Oct 17 13:43:47 1999
  Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Received: from phf-pa5-31.ix.netcom.com ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 
          by dot.crosswinds.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id NAA06122
          for <Christopher Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>; Sun, 17 Oct 1999 
13:43:46 -0400 (EDT)
          (envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: Christopher Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  From: Christopher Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 13:43:45 -0400
  Subject: this is a test
  X-REBOL: "The Internet Messaging Language (TM) WWW.REBOL.COM"

  this is a test

Not only did it properly understand 'b as email!, but it also properly
handled system/user/email for the From: header.

So I guess we are back to asking why SELMA likes to strip the
real-name data from mails that it processes.  (Or is it not SELMA, but
some other part of the system that SELMA runs on for this list. 
Remember I don't have any experience with other SELMA-run lists so I
don't know if this stripping is common to SELMA or only to this list.)

     Member: Team AMIGA                       --} WatchDog
Fingerprint: 2C 8A 03 3C D6 D3 32 7F         (Chris Elliott)
             66 0F 9B 9F 03 77 1D 85      PGP Key ID: A6A79259
<tsb>Heyyyyyyy Abbot, I'm a Baaaaaad Boy!

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