> Hi Jeff,
> hmmm, could you please  explain what exactly goes on there?
> It looks like it would be nice to understand it, but at the
> moment, it  looks,  well, not  exactly  like C,   but is as
> (un)understandable.
> thanks,
> Ingo
    result: copy [] ;- where to put the parsed pieces

 ; Generate two parse rules using compose. 
 ; They'll look like:
 ; space-piece: [copy x to " "  (append result x)]
 ; end-piece:   [copy x to end  (append result x)]
 ;  Those are both so similar, differing in only one
 ; thing that it seems like it would be nice to not 
 ; have to type it twice and generate the rules instead.
    foreach [rule thing] [space-piece " " end-piece 'end][
        set rule  compose [copy x to (thing) ([(append result x)])]
 ; so the parse rule now says essentially "stick only space 
 ; deliminated strings in the result block" and that's 
 ; what it does.

    parse {this  is a  "test"} [some space-piece end-piece]

    print mold result
    == ["this" "is" "a" {"test"}]
 ; the copied chunk may be further massaged to remove
 ; or change desired chars before appending the result block.

    Of course the (append result x) might be changed to:
    (append result replace/all x ":" "_")

 ; Hope that's clearer. (-:

 ; -jeff

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