On 15-Oct-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've received this script for the fifth? time already. What's happening?

Beats me, I swear I only sent it once :)

Let's see if this one loops also...

Best regards
Thomas Jensen

The scripts seems not to have appeared on rebol.org, and I've recieved no
answer from the bot...
> -pekr-
>> Hello,
>> I'm in the process of uploading two new scripts to rebol.org
>> %split-text.r
>> (there might allready be such a 'func, but I havn't found it ;)
>> splits a string into substrings, example:
>> ## text: {This "is a text" with :quotes: and 1 number}
>> == {This "is a text" with :quotes: and 1 number}
>> ## print mold split-text text
>> ["This" "is" "a" "text" "with" "quotes" "and" "1" "number"]
>> ## print mold split-text/valid text [#"0" - #"9"]
>> ["1"]
>> ## print mold split-text/valid text complement charset {:}
>> [{This "is a text" with } "quotes" " and 1 number"]
>> (inspired by the "parse with quotes" thread, and by some trouble I had
>> myself with splitting a text-file containing quotes into words)
>> %do-example.r
>> DOes a file (or url) and afterwards DOes the example string.
>> Really simple, but quite handy as you can built test-code directly into
>> the script header and just 'do-example it instead of 'do
>> Best regards
>> Thomas Jensen

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