Howdy Elan: 
> I  believe that these multiple lines  in the Received field
> threw header-rules/parse-head off as well.
> header-rules/parse-head expects to find a new field on each
> line (I believe, after quickly  browsing the code), doesn't
> it?

  Good job! Would that everyone was as diligent as you at
  finding the source of bugs.  Sometimes our bug database
  winds up with entries of gigantic run on scripts with the
  note "there is a bug in here".  Boy--oh--boy! Those are the
  best. :-)

> Probably  the better solution would be  to  first check the
> header for conformance with  the parse rules, either remove
> lines that do not conform or  reformat them so that they do
> and then parse the  stuff. If modifications were made, this
> could be reported in an additional Parse-Error-Report field
> in the header.

  At some point we'll have to make IMPORT-EMAIL more robust.
  So many little dangling items to get worked out with core,
  though we're swamped on command.  Of course, I'm sure that
  if someone fixed IMPORT-EMAIL and sent it in, with a little
  due process on our part, we'd certainly include it in the
  core and give credit within the source of the code.  No one
  ever takes my threats seriously... )-:   (-: 



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