Excuse a dumb question: does the Rebol that you "copy into it" have to be a
version   for the server platform?  If so, how does one find out what the
server platform is? If not, what platform-version of  Rebol does one use?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 3:37 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Web Hosting Sites that support Rebol? Re:(3)

> Nope, I use Vservers.com, one of the major web hosters, and all I had to
> was make a Rebol directory and copy Rebol into it. I'm running several
> scripts on a daily basis via it.
> The major problem I see with most such questions and opinions about Rebol
> (and certainly I've been guilty of it as well) is all of us trying to make
> it overly complicated.
> Rebol is simple.
> Rebol is easy.
> Try the obvious simple solution first, then realize you've made it too
> complicate.
> Then try the REALLY simple thing, and Rebol works like a champ.
> I keep bouncing off this wall over overcomplexicizing (to invent a word)
> over and over.
> But Rebol IS simple.
> You don't need to involve your web hoster. As long as you can create a
> directory and know the absolute and web paths to it, you can run Rebol.
> Ralph
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 9:05 AM
> Subject: [REBOL] Web Hosting Sites that support Rebol? Re:(2)
> This information is, in my experience, just plain wrong.
> No web host I have every used or heard about allows uncontrolled binaries
> to be executed on their servers. I guess they may not want their servers
> crashing (some people just have no faith). I would say that you are out of
> luck unless you control your own server.
> At 03:16 PM 11/19/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >   1. Are there any web hosting sites in existence which
> >         support the use of rebol scripts? If so, where?
> >
> >   2. What is the pricing arrangement for any web hosting
> >         site that would consider supporting rebol?
> >
> >------------------------------
> >
> >There's not much needed to support Rebol... if your current web site's
> >server will run any of the 30+ binaries of Rebol, you just toss the
> >into a directory and you are instantly up and running.
> >
> >--Ralph
> >
> >

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