> I am still confused ... when you say "I had to upgrade my
> server in order to run Rebol"  what does this mean?
> Do you have a separate physical machine located at their
> physical site which they maintain and do the admin work for - in
> this case, I understand, although I suspect that's a bit expensive.
> Or does it mean you get a separate copy of the server
> software on a shared machine and this gives you more
> extensive control of the server configuration than is available
> with most web hosters? I am not as familiar with this type
> of hosting arrangement, and would like to hear more of
> the details. Thanks.
I have a virtual server (see http://vservers.com for details) which was
running BDSI 3.x Unix. This version of Unix is not supported by Rebol (at
least not without a lot of jumping through the hoops to add ELF libraries
and all kinda other stuff). However, BDSI 4.x does run Rebol very elegantly.
So I had my vserver upgraded to the newer version of BDSI and not only does
Rebol run nicely, I got numerous other goodies like mySQL databases, PHP,

Virtual serving is the only way to go if your budget is limited and your
traffic reasonably low. I'm running over 25 domains off my server right now
with no strain.

Hope that answered your question.


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