After running into a little problem with a REBOL script,
I thought I would pass it along.

I was processing a web form that sent back the following string:

>>form-data: "Query=scsi&SearchView=wwwV4R1&MaxResults=&Sort=1"

I then (without thinking) did the following:

>>do decode-cgi form-data

This had a very bad effect on my program - because 'query' was now set to 
the string "scsi" - 'query' is normally a native function that returns 
information about a file or URL.

I decided the safest way to use decode-cgi was like this:

>>cgi-in: make object! decode-cgi form-data

Now the object 'cgi-in' contains all of the variables that the form returned.

>> probe cgi-in

make object! [
    Query: "scsi"
    SearchView: "wwwV4R1"
    MaxResults: ""
    Sort: "1"

Much safer.
Mike Yaunish

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