Howdy Mike:
> >>cgi-in: make object! decode-cgi form-data
> Now the object 'cgi-in' contains all  of the variables that
> the form returned.
> >> probe cgi-in
> make object! [
>      Query:   "scsi"  SearchView:   "wwwV4R1" MaxResults: ""
>      Sort: "1"
> ]
> Much safer.  

  This really is the safest route.  There are some scripts
  that I have seen various people write (including me!) that
  do this:

      do decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string

  Thinking that setting all the desired variables at the
  global scope is convenient.  Of course, besides the fact
  that John Curtis will ridicule this very side effecty way of
  doing things, this presents a little bit of a risk to the
  CGI script.

  This method isn't safe because if people know the source of
  your CGI program they can arbitrarily reassign one of your
  variables to a string passed in. IE:


  If this variable ever gets LOADed or DOne then something bad
  could happen.  Of course, since all good CGI scripts
  establish sane security settings first and foremost, the
  possibilities for mischief are minimized. :-)


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