Hi, Elan, now, when curry works, you can get what you deserve 8^)

two variants of the code:

1) - the do calling method proposed by you:

;Function to create methods, adds the hidden SELF argument
meth: func [args body] [
    func append copy [self] args body

;Function to call methods
!: func [self [object!]  'method [word!]] [
    do curry get in self/methods method [self] self

;end of %methods.r

;now the example:
a: make object! [
    num: 1
    methods: make object! [
        sumnum: meth [other number] [
            switch number [
                1 [self/num]
                2 [ (do ! other sumnum self 1) + (do ! self sumnum other 1)]
b: make a [num: num + 1]

>> do ! a sumnum b 1
== 1
>> do ! b sumnum a 1
== 2
>> do ! a sumnum b 2
== 3
>> do ! b sumnum a 2
== 3

2) the block parameter calling:

;Function to create methods, adds the hidden SELF argument
meth: func [args body] [
    func append copy [self] args body

;Function to call methods
!: func [self [object!]  'method [word!] param [block!]] [
    do append reduce [in self/methods method self] param

;end of %methods.r

;now the example:
a: make object! [
    num: 1
    methods: make object! [
        sumnum: meth [other number] [
            switch number [
                1 [self/num]
                2 [ (! other sumnum [self 1]) + (! self sumnum [other 1])]
b: make a [num: num + 1]

Both are now functional. What do you vote for?


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