Hi Joel

I have enjoyed your essays and the many responses. My suggestions for
comparison languages:

C                            typical imperative language and most widely
used, good books K&R, ANSI Lib docs
Scheme or XLisp      typical modern Lisp dialects, share many features with
REBOL, good book SICP
Python or Perl          probably the main competition, Python more similar
to REBOL  (Perl harder to explain)

Keep up the good work


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 1999 11:55 AM
Subject: [REBOL] "logical" value referencing ... Re:(13)

> >
> > Also, in the orignal Essay, there was mention of using the
> > model/diagram to compare REBOL and other languages on a common ground.
> > If that is still a goal, I would suggest that another language be
> > brought into the model/diagram sooner than later, to be sure it is a
> > common ground, and not slanted to the first in.
> >
> That certainly sounds reasonable.  I haven't thought much about that
> step thus far for two reasons:
> 1)  I used to teach comparative programming languages, and feel that
>     the model is still on fairly neutral ground.  (It's been a few
> years, so I'll probably want to take some time to think up and verify
> some good compare/contrast examples.)
> 2)  I want to make sure I have a sufficiently accurate model for REBOL
>     before I tackle the crank-turning for item 1.  (And, to be frank,
> learning something new is lots more fun than the wordsmithing part!)
> Any suggestions for other candidate languages, Ted (or anybody)?
> If the target audience is the contemporary working programmer (and
> not the academic comparative-languages crowd), that might suggest
> c, Java, and/or Perl.  However, that's just my first hunch.
> -jn-

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